How To Make a Treasure Chest in RPG Maker 95+ For Dummies By Guts ( Making a chest is really easy. First make an event then choose a picture, in this case the chest, which you will easily find in the Map Palette under C. From the top left blue square, go down seven until you reach an open chest. Don't forget about it because we'll be using it in a bit. Now move once to your right and now your arrow should be on the close chest. Click on the picture to choose it. You now have a picture. Now the next step, making it into an event. The top should look like this: Type: NP Displayed: Same Level as Hero Movement: Don't Move Condition: On Talk/Search First make it so that when to "talk" to the object, you change the picture. Click on the empty space where it says end twice and you open the event selector, which is a list of stuff you can do. I'll list all of them at the end. Choose Change Event Pic. Remember that empty chest? Choose it and now you will get text that looks like this if it's correct. Change Event Pic to [#] in this case it will be 816. Open the event selector again and choose Message then type in the following: You got a potion, or whatever object you decide you want to add. :) When you talk to the object it will open and tell you got a potion. Now to make sure that you get something you when you do so. Open the event editor a third time and choose ChangeNoofItms. You will see a place you can choose what item you want (it's all pre-made unless you delete it) and how many. Choose cure potion and 1. There are three choices: Relative, Absolute, or Set Range. Here's what each of them do. (Thanks Stifu!) Relative: Will add whatever number of potions the chest has to the number potions you already have. Say you have 1 potion. If you open a chest with 4 potions and the Relative is picked, then you will now have 5 in your inventory. Absolute: This will CHANGE the items of that of the number you chose. You have 99 potion and you open a chest with 5 potions and Absolute is picked then you will now have 5 potions instead of 99. Set Range: This is a random pick option. You choose two values, let's say 1-5. Now when you open a chest, you will get 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 potions, but each time it will be a different number. Because you are adding an item, choose Relative. Now comes the tricky part. First go down and next to Swap Pages you should see two arrows. Click on the right one once and you will get a new page. Click on the left on to go back to the one you were working on. This is how you will make the magic happen, ready? On the second page choose the empty chest, (the same one as before), as if you want to keep it open. This isn't important really unless you want to keep the chest open after you open it, otherwise it will close automatically if you don't. The main object is to make the second picture a chest. The rest is up to you. Open the event selector and choose Message then type in: This chest is empty This will tell you this so you will get only one of the item(s) in the chest. Go down and check mark the switch then click on the button next to it (It should say 000) and it will open the switch list. Go to Name Switch and rename it chest or whatever you want then double click on "chest". It should now say Switch "chest" is on. Click back on the right arrow to go back to the first page. Open the event selector one more time and choose Change Game Switch. Change the switch to "chest" and choose on the go to OK. If you did it right it should look like this: FIRST PAGE Change Event Pic to [816] Msg: You got a potion Set [Cure Potion] to 1 Switch [Chest]ON [End] SECOND PAGE MSG:This chest is empty [End] If you did it right you should be able to go up to the chest open it and get a potion. Then if it's like the switches in RM2K, as long as the switch is on, when you talk to the chest again then it will remain empty and will tell you so. You can leave the map and come back and it will still be empty. Switches look tough at first, but once you get the hang of them; they become an important part of your RPG. Thanks to Don Miguel who translated RPG Maker 95+ and RPG Maker 2000, Stifu who helped me explain the ChangeNoofItms option, and all the RPG makers who took the time to help the new guys out by writing FAQ and answering our questions on the forums. -Guts Next FAQ: The Thief Chest for Dummies; or Yes Virginia, There Is A Use For That Absolute Item Option